1. Are you approchable?
2. What’s the easiest way to turn you on?
3. What’s one thing that you DON’T like during sex?
4. Is quiet sex the wave?
5. What is one thing that you do better than everybody else? Don’t be humble
6. What’s hard about being you?
7. How’s your mental health today?
8. Do you think being irreplaceable?
9. What’s your new sleeping schedule?
10. Do you ever dream about having sex with any of your followers?
11. Car sex or shower sex?
12. Who is your favourite artist of all times?
13. Are you likeable?
14. Do you ever give money to homeless people ?
15. Are there more ups or downs in your life at this very moment? (Corona virus aside)
16. Are you a heavy drinker or a lightweight? What does it take for you to get drunk?
17. Is there anybody that you trust blindly? (Aside from yourself & God)
18. Name 3 of your qualities.
19. (During sex) have you ever had to tell somebody to stop doing what they were doing because it was so trash? If so, how did it go?
20. What is your biggest fear?
21. What’s the worst social media?
22. What’s a petty deal breaker of yours?
23. Do you believe that.. “Once a cheater always a cheater” ?
24. Loyalty over love or love over loyalty?
25. What’s your favourite quote?
26. What do you look for in a man/woman? (Qualities)
27. What are your thoughts about girls showing out on IG lives?
28. Do you know how to cook? If so what’s the best thing you can make?
29. What’s the longest you’ve gone without any sexual activity?
30. Favourite hairstyle on the opposite sex? (Or your own if you’re gay yfm)
31. Do you get mad easily?
32. Could you date the last person that you texted?
33. What do your days look like lately? (Since the quarantine started)
34. What’s the first thing you notice when meeting somebody?
35. On a scale of 1-10 how bored are you?
36. What’s your definition of love?
37. Is it possible to be in love with two people?
38. What do you hate about the city you live in?
39. What is your zodiac sign & are you into astrology?
40. What’s the perfect height for a woman in your opinion?
41. Are men only trash in my city or it’s everywhere?
42. Do you trust your gut feeling more than your inner thoughts?
43. What’s one thing you need to work on but stay procrastinating ?
44. Ever gotten/given head in the movie theatre?
45. How do you get over a heartbreak?
46. Were your High school years the best ones of your life like they said it was gonna be?
47. Do you cuss a lot?
48. When we get released from jail where are you going to go first?
49. Is there anybody that you look up to?
50. Y’all want me to keep going?? Lol
51. Are you in school currently? If so what are you studying? If you’re working what do you do for a living?
52. Is poor grammar an immediate turn off?
53. Do you get along with children?
54. What’s the best Ice cream flavour?
55. Best struggle meal?
56. Are you enjoying my questions?
57. When did glow up? Or when do you think you will glow up ?
58. What was your first impression of me when you followed me? (If you do! & if you don’t you might as wellll)
59. Ever had to run for your life? Explain
60. How many times did you get your heart broken?
61. Are you the crazy type? Be honest
62. Put me on your favourite song!
63. What’s your favourite childhood memory?
64. Name 1 food that everybody loves but you?
65. Last but not least,
Can you focus during 69?
You can follow @Konyjenn.
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