Now I get the sentiment behind the guillotine jokes and all that, but some of the landlord conversations on here are making me a little worried people either forgot or never learned about how The Terror was carried out.
I'll put it this way

Nothing in the way many white leftists fail to differentiate b/w the landlord who rents out her basement, the landlord who rents a four-plex, the landlord who rents out houses & condo units, and the landlord who rents out condo towers is inspiring confidence
Nor the fact that the real "landlord" common to all these scenarios, in a functional sense, are the banks who own and securitize the mortgages on all of the aforementioned properties, but the financialization of property ownership is treated like unimportant background noise
Now, in a revolutionary scenario that happens, say, tomorrow.

How much do I trust that the white lefty types with the guillotine memes will seek out and seize bank CEOs to march them to the stockades, but leave Miss Millicent with the basement unit alone?

Right now, not at all
Let's say Miss Millicent is a Black lady who's the first in her family to own a home.

Or, hell, Miss Millicent used the insurance benefit from her deceased husband to buy a small condo for herself, but rents their former home to college students

I still don't think she makes it
What I can see happening is that a mob shows up to drag her out of her home behind accusations of acting on behalf of the ruling class, but now we have a problem because her family and community is not with the shits.

Fantastic, now we have another issue to untangle
These issues were not untangled during The Terror. Heads rolled.

When enough heads roll and enough communities begin to feel The Revolution has become more like a settling of grudges, you have yourself a Thermidorean Reaction.
And I'm saying some of the weird shit I have seen in these landlord conversations (including a downtown Vancouver incident involving a homeless man and a Black woman superintendent) gives me zero faith a straight up revolution does not devolve into something much worse
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