Doing research on Monk fashion is not something I thought I would do, or thought would be as diffICULT AS IT IS but here we are...
Did you know their isn't like a specific reason for Monks to wear orange or red (depending on area) it's literally just cause that's the dye that was easy to find??? Like no spiritual enlightened reason just cause the dye was easy?!?
Also their hair is just so they don't have to style it, like not religious or other reason, just so they don't gotta comb their hair
Yet I have not found anything on the significance of how they tie/sew their robes... LIKE WHY IS THE ROBE LIKE THAT JUST CAUSE ITS EASY
"The Buddha taught the first monks and nuns to make their robes of “pure” cloth. That is to say, from materials that no one wanted. Therein, types of pure cloth included cloth that had been chewed by rats or oxen. Blackened by fire, soiled by childbirth or menstrual blood" OH
"they washed clean the cloth. Then, they dye it by boiling with vegetable matter, tubers, bark, flowers, leaves, and spices such as turmeric or saffron. Basically, this is what gives the cloth a yellow-orange color. And, this is the origin of the term “saffron robe”
You learn something new everyday
"Definitely, Theravada monks of southeast Asia still wear spice-color robes today. The colors come in shades of curry, cumin, and paprika as well as blazing saffron orange" THIS ARTICLE IS SO HELPFUL
It finally got into the different pieces of the monks robes... Not that detailed but it's a start
*blinking guy meme*
"Additionally, a monk can possess things that help him in the practice, learning, and teaching of the dhamma. If the underwear can help him in that respect, then, of course, he is free to use it."

Again you learn something new everyday day...
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