Catsnowbell’s cooking saga. A thread
Manasin sarden. Heboh tanya di grup “cara masak sarden kalengan gimana ya?”
Goreng kentang pake airfryer. Airfryer nya eror kaga mau nyala 💁🏻‍♀️
👩🏻 : trying to fry frozen french fries using airfryer for the first time.
👩🏻 : “prepare for a disappointment”
👱🏻‍♂️: “let me try. Oh it’s okay”
👩🏻 : “another 5 min?”
👱🏻‍♂️ : “no need, it’s fine”
👩🏻 : “it’s not golden enough though”
👱🏻‍♂️ : “taste fine”
👩🏻 : nyapu, ngepel, beresin kamar
👱🏻‍♂️: main pes
👩🏻: sikat kamar mandi
👱🏻‍♂️: main pes
👩🏻: lenje2 di kasur
👱🏻‍♂️: masak steak
At least he cook me something nice 🥰🥰

Let’s see how the steak looks like. Home is now filled with smokes
This is too salty 🤣🤣 but the steak is juicy enough, the salmon is crispy outside but melt inside your mouth. The scramble egg is bomb. The fries taste like a regular frozen french fries. He said “this is 6/10. Good thing we used the 65k sirloin not the 350k tenderloin” 🤣🤣
And this one is what my mom in law made 🤣🤣 same grilled salmon, different visual
Welcome to another episode of my cooking saga. On today’s episode, I made Omelette Soufflé. Recipe from Ms. Lee Samantha. This is what it looks like (supposedly) 👇🏻👇🏻 a beautiful, fluffy omelette
I followed the step carefully one by one. I whisked the egg until stiff peak (meringue). I even called my chef friend and she said “oh, that’s good enough. You can proceed”
I poured it into a pan. So far so good. I even put cheese in it. Much wow, so fluffy
BUT. My pan is way smaller, and the dough is way too thick. And i didn’t cook long enough. My chef friend said my pan is way too hot, so the bottom part is already crisp but the top part isn’t fully cooked. She said to put a lid on the top of the pan which I did
I always thought that you can never go wrong with egg. You can cook anything without fail with egg.
But I.. was.. wrong
So this is my sad attempt to duplicate Ms Samantha’s soufflé. Will i try it again another time? Let’s see
Today I made dalgona coffee.
Instead of using Nescafe classic, I used the Kapal Api coffee mix one
1 sachet coffee, 1 tsp sugar, 2 spoon hot water. Mix mix mix
Finished!! Coffee milk with chia seed 🙂
Mixed bakso pake kuah kaldu sapi. Ini berhasil karena yg buat beruang madu 😋
Jadi apaaaa prok prok prok
Terima kasih untuk support system saya
Pokoknya cemplungin aja semua
Akhirnya sesuatu yang bisa dimakan 😭😭😭 ini baso tapi sop. Terima kasih micin, kuahnya jd enak
Lapor dulu ke Bapake
Goreng tahu tanpa minyak 👌🏻
Kalo pake airfryer udah anti gagal dah 👌🏻
Airfryer panutanqoe 👌🏻
This morning’s dish. Nasi hainan tapi udah beli bumbu jadi. Cuma tinggal rebus ayam doang 🤣🤣
Papa bear’s cooking saga 🥰🥰 Bininya cuma kebagian oseng2 aja. Takaran sama bahan2nya dikira2 semua 🤣🤣 yummy yummy. Carbonara nggak pake cream 👌🏻👌🏻
Mentega dipanasin, bawang bombay dioseng smpe layu, campur bawang putih ama daun bawang. Masukin daging (aku pake smoke ham) trus masukin pasta yang udah direbus sebelumnya. Oseng terus, masukin keju ama susu full cream. Oseng sampe susunya abis. Udah deee 🥰🥰
Ini apa hayooo.. Hint = bukan kentang bayi
Yak itu adalah biji salak sodara2. Kalo kata Vernon, “failure is the mother of success”. Jadi gpp kalo tiap masak selalu gagal. Ini airnya kebanyakan jadi kuahnya kaga bisa kental 🙃. Biji salaknya dr ubi cilembu dikukus, ancurin, campur tepung tapioka, bulet2in
Ini jadinya sop biji salak. Gpp tampilannya meragukan. Tp rasanya enak 👌🏻👌🏻. Santan pke santan kotak direbus campur air ama garem dikit
👩🏻 : Beb, bikin mie yok
👱🏻‍♂️ : Whoot? Jam segini?? Ayok
*Jadi deh ramdon alias jjapaguri buatan beruang madu ala2 film Parasite*
Niatnya mau panasin bandeng presto kan. Di wadahnya ada instruksi “goreng dengan sedikit minyak”. Saya ikutin dong instruksi nya, pake minyak dikit aja buat goreng tu bandeng.
Shrimp bun!!! Yang bikin beruang madu yaa jadi engga tau resepnya apaan 🤣 kayaknya soft bun, lettuce, udang rebus, mayo ama tobiko doang sih. Dikasi kimchi enak nggak ya 🤤🤤
*lagi bersihin udang*
👱🏻‍♂️: “kenapa disebut “otak udang”?”
👩🏻: “karena otaknya udang lebih kecil daripada matanya”
👱🏻‍♂️: “ini di kepalanya ada kotoran2. Apa udang pup dari kepala?”
Seketika ingat DK di Yeosodo
Jadi ceritanya mau ngerebus ronde. Rondenya uda instan nih, tinggal cemplungin air mendidih kasi gula merah ama jahe aja. Instruksinya : rebus sampai ronde mengapung. Tapi monmaap ini rondenya tenggelem aja kaga gimana bisa ngapung
Ternyata kalo mau ngerebus jahe, harus digeprek dl gaes 💁🏻‍♀️
Ibu kandung saya, saudara2..
Goreng cireng, tapi lengket semua jadi satuuu
Gapaham lagi
Gpp practice makes perfect. Aku masi punya 3 bungkus
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