Why is PPE considered first for medical personnel?

It should be considered first for the massive labor force that should be reallocated to making more PPE.

That way the medical personnel don’t run out of PPE.
We have a wartime-level lockdown, but our economic stimulus package looks meant for a 2-month recession. Where is the economic mobilization to fight the war?
For someone whose position is fine, the rational thing to do with an extra $1500 is save it. For someone who lost their job, $1500 isn’t good enough.
If you’re out of work for a month, $1500 could really help bridge the gap.

But who actually thinks this will be over in a month?
Many small businesses probably will not survive this if they don’t pivot successfully. That’s over 50 million jobs at risk just in the US.
The lockdowns won’t even peak for another month, and when they recede the virus will resurge. This is going to last a while.
Meanwhile, ventilators are out, PPE is close to running out, and according to @PeterAttiaMD’s last guest, lab reagents supply chains will run out after a million COVID-19 tests.
Why is the stimulus packing paying off people to lose their jobs and paying businesses to sit on the sidelines, rather than funding the reallocation and retraining of labor to massively and rapidly increase the supply of PPE, lab reagents, and medical equipment?
If we run out of PPE for this, what the hell is going to happen if we have something they spreads as fast with a ten times higher mortality rate?
Most likely this virus does not spread fast *because* it has a lower mortality rate than SARS. It spreads fast because the upper respiratory tract is infected first with few symptoms, causing a spreading phase, while the lower respiratory collapse takes weeks.
There’s zero reason we couldn’t have something that spreads as fast with a similar delay but a SARS- or MERS-level fatality rate.
It is asinine to think the need for PPE is short-term. This should make us realize we need a massively higher reserve of PPE, ventilators, and lab reagents.
Where is Rosie the Mask-Maker?
It makes no economic sense how we are handling this. It’s a myopic short-term approach.
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