Okay, guys, I’m seeing a lot of posts out there about “let’s cut the trauma olympics, it’s hard for everyone!!!!!” posts going around. It’s true: This is not the olympics or a competition. I know a lot of us are having a tough time. But it isn’t an excuse to deprioritize empathy.
Be thoughtful when you speak of your woes, and please choose your words carefully. Of course it isn’t a competitive game, but you might be speaking to someone who isn’t ready to hear your struggle just yet. Listen to your friends when they kindly ask you to stop.
If someone is taking a step forward to gently reframe your anxiety & point out the positives you do have in your sitch? Maybe take a pause. It might not be the right time for this. Realize that while it’s fine to vent not everyone can be an audience even if you want them to be.
If a friend suggests your words are too much right now, please don’t take it as an affront. They’re protecting themselves. It’s okay to tell a friend right now that they’re overstepping. No, it is not a competition,but it doesn’t mean you can/should excuse boundary oversteps.
There are many free online resources for therapists and medical professionals who can listen with a neutral ear. If you’ve got a therapist, use them to vent instead. If you don’t have access to any of those things then by all means, friends are fine but be conscious and mindful.
Regardless of what the “tough stuff” is on your side of things: It is NEVER okay to perform an emotional “hit and run” on someone aka dumping on an unwilling audience, leaving or breathing a sigh of relief, and issuing an apology to the folks left standing breathless.
If you do accidentally cross a line, it’s okay to step back, breathe deeply, apologize, and move forward while refraining from overstepping again. Please be careful and mindful of this! There’s plenty of folks who *can* be support nets to those who need it! It’s awesome!!
To those who can’t be that empathetic ear, you’re not an asshole for saying this isn’t something you can handle rn. It is okay to be direct & continue resetting your boundaries with the overstepping person. It is okay to express your emotions. Don’t be an asshole, but DO be firm.
Everyone needs boundaries right now. Some are forced by social distancing, sure! But you probably wouldn’t walk into someone else’s house screaming, yelling, & stomping while pushing yourself in the middle of a convo and then 15mins later run out and go back home.
So don’t do it in a text, comment, or DM please. Be more mindful and sensitive of the plight of others who, yes, might have literally more difficult situation due to a disability, abusive situation, high risk, lack of help, or are isolating entirely alone. Read the room please 💕
No it isn’t the trauma Olympics but it *is* a good time to count the blessings we *DO* have; it *IS* a fact that other may have more struggles to contend w that we may not. Maybe try not to complain about the things you have to folks who don’t 💖 find a different audience for it.
Anyway idk. I’m seeing a lot of people shitting on others “in the name of COVID19” when it’s also a lot of unchecked baggage from before quarantine too. It’s okay to have that kind of thing being magnified in isolation, but it’s not okay to eject it from yourself at others.
The TLDR is idk I guess don’t be an inconsiderate person, find yourself a willing ear for support, don’t be offended if someone can’t be that ear for you, be mindful to boundaries of others, and stop citing coronavirusas a reason to be a jerk by displaying disrespectful behavior.
Attached you’ll now find a series of suggested resources one can go to if your friends can’t be an ear for you and you don’t have access to insurance covered services or physical sessions w a therapist:

1) Doxy:
5) old fashioned meditation through mantra chanting, deep breathing, gentle yoga or Pilates, or sitting silently with eyes closed
6) Regain online therapy specializing in relationships
7) Youth Based Counseling teletherapy
These are just my own research or via friend recs. I haven’t used any of them myself. (I use a therapist located in my state covered by the minimal insurance I have.)

Do your research to find what works best for you!! 💖💖
Anyways I’m hoping this thread will help some people and save some relationships during the coronavirus pandemic crisis everyone is facing. Please RT if any of it resonates or if you need someone to see it or need a resource from the ones listed!! Be safe. Be well. Love & peace.
You can follow @ImaginariumCS.
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