I supported him. I campaigned for him. I thought he was the one we were waiting for. He made us feel seen. For the first time. And, believe me, for a people who’s never felt seen, that was enough. We were united for him. He won and we celebrated. I was so happy!

At the start, as though I was in a bad relationship, I could already see “red flags”. But, no! I ignored the bad feeling that was starting to build in my stomach. No, he’s good for us. It was what we needed so we could have positive change. The passion and energy that I...

...used to have when arguing for him was slowly trickling down the drain. Doubt and uncertainty started to creep in. I started to see what I never saw or refused to see before because I was blinded by my need and desire to be seen, to be understood. But, it’s so hard...

...to admit that you were wrong about something you so strongly believed in. Maybe things would be better the next day, I tried to tell myself. But, I knew I had to stop defending him. And, I stopped doing that. Hell, I stopped talking about him because, at that point, ...

...talking about him would mean talking about how wrong I was. I didn’t want that. And then, the Siege of Marawi happened. How it was handled was the last straw for me. That opened my eyes fully to the truth. The person we would have died fighting for actually didn’t...

...care if we all died and were pulverized to the ground. We were scared, we were dying. He visited the city to inspire the military. That was ok. They needed that. But, the innocent civilians? He didn’t care about us. He hated ALL of us for the betrayal of a few. He...

...saw us ALL as the enemy. So, it was ok for us to die. It was ok for us to get raped. Yeah, he said that. On national TV! We will never forget. So, for one, #iCantStandThePresident. 👊🏼😈

As my sister says, so fight me! 😡

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