Very 😂 I’ve worked at good and bad companies and now I’m lucky and privileged to work for a very good company. Culture is EVERYTHING (many people say this but don’t even know what it means). Culture starts with the founder and the values he instills in the original members.
Then as the company grows these values will be instilled in each new hire by the existing teams. If you look at founders and their personalities, their companies are often the same. If a founder is a happy and fun person often their company is a fun and happy place to be.
Similarly, if a founder only cares about money their employees and staff will always be “hustling” to make more. And often their employees will be miserable.
Culture determines employee happiness, staff career growth, annual recurring revenue, product growth, customer success, staff personal growth...
Culture is everything and the only way to make sure you have the right people is to have a long and slow interview process, this is usually sped up when you find brilliant people. Also, hiring needs to be done only when the entire team is happy with the candidate.
And the interviewer needs to be someone who will be working directly with the candidate (in smaller companies). There’s no point having a person who knows nothing about a job interviewing a person for a role. If there is a single red flag in the interview process that’s too bad.
Once a person is hired, onboarding is really important. Training, knowledge sharing, planning, debriefing sessions, social events, etc. Then continuous assistance in any way they need help. If you treat staff well, they will do what needs to be done for the company to succeed.
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