April 2

21 days without human touch

Today was good!

I want to thank everyone who is reaching out to me and concerned. I feel the love and concern and it really helps.

I also want to respectfully ask you to not tell me what to do :) I mean that with great love. Realize that I have thought through all the options. I’ve had people PM me with that colorful chart saying how you can’t even take a walk 6 feet away from someone...

and tell me absolutely no social distancing walks or saying hi from the porch. I’ve had people PM me with ideas about how to spend time with other friends who are quarantined, and how it’s OK and I’m taking this too seriously.

I realize that this all comes from love and concern and I am totally fine with the suggestions but… also… I am a grown-up person who is being very VERY responsible and will continue to do so and make my best decisions.

Right now a lot of what’s driving me to be extra careful is that if I end up taking any nieces or nephew (even if not absolute best practices, the parents might need a break), I will give nothing to them.

And if I need to help my parents with something (no, not to just hang out, Mom!) I will give nothing to them. And the distancing walks may literally keep me sane. So, thank you all for the concern. I love that you all love me. But I’m good on the decisions.

It strikes me that it may be in part, that people are really uncomfortable with my loneliness. And that’s OK. If you need to unfollow me for a while, that is ok. But I want to show what it’s like. And then take this to the extreme --

if it is this hard for me, with almost all my daily “luxuries”: takeout, heat, internet, facetime, dog, laundry, hot water, privacy, comfy bed -- think about prison. Think about solitary confinement. Think about detention camps.

If loneliness in the middle of luxury and comfort, WITH MY CAR and really everything I need except human company, is this hard… please think about those who have none of this. We need to drastically rethink the “justice” system.

[note: I’m not saying I feel like I’m in prison. That’s ludicrous. Prison is MUCH MUCH MUCH worse.]

Alameda has been having porch concerts where musicians play from porches & the neighborhood can listen. A student did a walk-by porch concert for me & my neighbors!

So fun. (it’s zoomed in, we were WAY further apart than it looks like)

I’ve started latch hook. I’ve never seen a latch hook ever that I don’t think is at least somewhat ugly, but it sounded soothing. Even more than knitting.

Ruby got to borrow another backyard today. She was SO happy and tired out. It’s funny how dogs love being tired and people don’t. At least I don’t.

Logistical problems: I have one N95 mask that I’ve already used sometime before so I can’t donate.

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