do you ever just get really wrapped up in how good one particular line that you wrote is........
you know what? you know what? this is my twitter and if i want to fawn over specific lines from my fics then this is where i can do that. so i'm gonna. here is a brief thread of favorite lines from, mostly, my witcher fics. maybe some others if they occur to me.
method: "It keeps Jaskier awake for a long time, wondering." this fic is not particularly high on the virtuoso scale, it's fairly workmanlike, but man this line gets me EVERY time
some good mistakes: for porn, "Oh, you greedy little thing, you want another?" is very.....Very

for not porn, oh gosh, a lot..."It is at this moment that Geralt realizes he's in a kind of trouble he hasn't known for decades, and a not insignificant amount of it." for sure
the "allows matters to proceed as they will" bit is deeply hilarious to me and only a little bit a reference to the best line in the secret history
"He wants to do it again every night. "Yes."" absolutely slays me. right in the heart

"Despite himself, Geralt collects every bit of knowledge, setting each one in his mind like a jewel in a crown." not sure if this is GOOD per se, but oh how i treasure that metaphor
ok i'll stop with this one now but listen, i love a LOT of the lines in that story. like, i could make a whole thread just on that one.

"i'll let you win (i'll let you lose)"--okay, gonna declare the entire tentacle scene off limits for fear of revealing Too Much. moving on:
"Slowly, he came to a sort of hateful accord with this new obsession." idky but i really dig this one

"...and burning it to ashes had brought no conclusion." see above??
getting toward bedtime so just one more from this fic: "Gods, no, not tonight. Tonight I need you to hold me in your arms like a very delicate flower, if you don't mind." bc i luv jaskier and he would
from "in sickness and in health" aka the reason i started this thread: "for a moment Jaskier thought Geralt might slide it onto his finger himself, and realized rather breathlessly that he would like that." Y'ALL I LOVE THIS A LOT....he wants to get MARRIED.......
i thought the title was just a sickfic cliche but WHOOPS PSYCH TURNS OUT IT WAS ABOUT MARRIAGE AFTER ALL
ok i have to get up again in 5.5 hours so i must go to sleep, thank you for indulging me
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