It stands to reason that there will always be a handful of election insiders or hackers willing to rig an election system for a price. When election insiders or hackers rig the system, this is called “election fraud.” 1/
2/ If election fraud involved an electronic system, it wld be difficult or impossible to prove bc:
* most election-system software in the US is proprietary,
* most US jurisdictions do not conduct meaningful manual audits, &
* it takes just ONE insider or hacker to wreak havoc.
3/ With electronic election fraud, it takes just ONE insider or hacker to wreak havoc bc critical aspects of these systems are centralized at the county or state level.
4/ The crucial centralized aspects of our election systems include voter registration systems, the computers used to program each voting machine in a county or state before each election, central tabulators (used to aggregate all precinct totals for a county or state), &...
... reporting systems. 5/
Compared to electronic election fraud, however, this type of fraud has a higher risk of detection (which is good) because much of it occurs in the open and, if conducted throughout a county or state, it typically requires the involvement of multiple actors. 7/
We can also educate voters to protect themselves against this type of absentee ballot fraud by warning them not to give their ballots or applications to other people. 8/
“Voter fraud” is a different concept than “election fraud.” Voter fraud contemplates an individual (not an election insider) risking prison time to impersonate another voter. 9/
It is highly unlikely that hordes of individuals wld be willing to risk prison time for one measly extra vote each. The notion that many of them wld work in concert & not get caught is also a stretch. The larger the conspiracy, the greater the risk of getting detection. 10/
We should not take seriously anyone who says that vote by mail is a nonstarter, while giving short shrift to the more substantial risk of difficult-to-impossible-to-detect electronic election fraud. 11/
We are dealing with a pandemic and an array of imperfect voting options. The best we can do in light of the pandemic is to expand vote by mail while:
* educating the public to NOT entrust their ballots or applications to other people &
* implementing other safeguards. 12/
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