2020 may end the 20th century, the century of mass society.

Concerts, events, rallies, marches, K12, higher ed, restaurants, bars, airplanes, mass transit.

Anything with tightly packed crowds of people is now a health hazard. Permanently reduced demand.
Concerts, events → streaming

Rallies, marches → slacktivism is the new activism

K12, higher ed → online

Restaurants, bars → cloud kitchens, delivery

Airplanes → infrequent except for permanent relocation, replace with VR tours

Mass transit → individual autonomous cars
Best counterargument: after Spanish Flu we had Roaring 20s

Best counter-counterargument: seems crucial to dig into, but circumstances appear different.

Economy feels less resilient, more leveraged. Spanish Flu lockdowns didn’t mean soaring unemployment. Worth diligencing...
They also closed public life during Spanish Flu.

Why didn’t that kill the economy? Some hypotheses.

1) Lockdown was shorter
2) Much less of economy was in service roles, it was more resilient and less leveraged
3) People didn’t talk about Spanish Flu, wasn’t a “social pandemic”
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