this tweet is disgusting for a lot of reasons, but primarily due to the fact that they're acting as if being "chaste" + "god honouring" is the only acceptable way theyll "allow" you to be. the mindset of this tweet is genuinely terrifying and I hate how many people ascribe to it.
his genuinely makes me so angry because it is a microcosm of how sexual fear and suppression has manifested as emotional manipulation.

imagine being told youre not allowed to feel sexual attraction to a fucking video game character you like, who btw owns a house and+
pays a fucking mortgage, and if you do this person and every single one of them who retweeted it will think you're a disgusting, horny-infected freak for literally no fucking reason.

unless you ascribe to the same irrational and ingrained fear of sexual attraction that they have
and to anyone who says this is just a joke; when people actually genuinely believe this without irony, as I have witnessed, it becomes less funny.

when you sound exactly like the type of Bible bashing fundie who tries to control other's sexual liberation... it's not funny.
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