so my dad just got unemployed for not showing up to work during this crisis. my dad was never late to work, didn’t miss much days of work, and would sometimes even work during weekends. he decided not to show up for work as soon as he heard about COVID-19
my mom encouraged him to stop going as for the safety of my family and myself. i have asthma and have suffered from it through out my entire life, ive been hospitalized many times because of this. my immune system is weak so quarantine started pretty early for me
my mom has multiple jobs to be able to support my sister and i but she wasnt going to work anymore to avoid the contact of COVID-19. her overnight job let her off and the other people she was working for told her to stay home. meanwhile my dad was still working
my dad would still work because he and my mom were scared of being left with no money especially during this time of need. mind you they still arent getting as much money from the government needed for the 4 of us. my parents have never received benefits from the government
not because they’re “rich” but because supposedly the government claims they make too much money for financial needs which is absolutely false. my mom, sister, and i dont have health insurance our visits to the doctor are all payed for by my parents
now that my dad is no longer employed he has no more health insurance which means that if anything we’re so to happened to us it would all have to be payed out of parents’ pockets, not to mention im a senior in high school who is desperate need of money
for my college tuition. i dont mine finding a job but the most id get payed is $15 an hour which isnt enough. im not making this thread to seek attention or anything im making this thread to raise awareness about families who are going through it right now
families who are suffering, who are scared, and who need support the most. the government does a shit job at “trying” to help families who need it the most right now. #EatTheRich #COVID19 #Bernie2020
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