My Favorite Foods, Least Favorite Foods, & Shady Food Opinions - A Thread

(Requested By @Invisistill)
I think this is the first non-BTS, non-bird app PSA thread I've ever created. 😅
Anyway, somebody asked me to create a thread about my favorite food/food choices so I thought, "Why not?" 😊

This is a kind of "get to know me thread," and what better way to know about me than to talk about grub.

Oh, yeah.
Simple spam wrap

(spam, shredded cheese, lettuce wrapped in a flour tortilla)

I actually used to be scared of spam as a child because I thought it was a trick (it sounded like "ham" but wasn't). But I got over it as an adult. 😂
2.) Grilled Cheese Sandwich w/ Tomato Soup

I like to dip my sandwich because I'm 5. 🥺
3.) Deviled eggs w/ wasabi sauce
4.) Homemade smash burger with a bootleg Mac sauce
5.) My mom's mac and cheese 🥺
1.) Toss up between anchovies and sardines. 😐
2,) Chitlins/Chitterlings

Was treated by a pariah by older relatives for never liking these. Still don't like them. DGAF.
3.) Meatloaf

Love the singer. Hate this dish. And I acknowledge that my mother creates a great meatloaf (sorry mom!) but I just can't bring myself to like this stuff. Ever.
4.) Pork chops

Same as meatloaf. I'm sure it can be made well. I just don't like it. 🤷🏾‍♀️
And before anyone asks, yes I do eat "healthy foods" including fruits and veggies. At the moment my favorite fruit is a pear and my favorite vegetable is spinach.
1.) Pineapple is just fine on a pizza if it's paired with ham. The combination works because of the combination of sweet and savory.

People fainting over pineapple on a pizza crack me up because I've NEVER heard of people straight up eating a pizza w/ that topping alone. 🤷🏾‍♀️
2.) Cereal is poured before milk because it's a safe indicator for exactly how much you intend to eat. Also, you're less likely to splash milk/whatever other liquid you prefer if you just put the cereal first.

And also, I feel you'll use too much milk if it goes first. 😤
3.) I'd rather make my own vegan-friendly meals than trust food prepared by most vegan brands because they seem to have no idea how food seasoning works...which is incredible to me because spices and herbs are as vegan as you can get.
4.) Most white chocolate is garbage.
5.) I feel sorry for people with celiac disease as they often find themselves in harm's way because idiots assume that they don't eat gluten as a lifestyle choice due to "food fads" when in reality, eating it can hurt their bodies.

Not everyone is on a food bandwagon.
6.) Local pizza places will always be better than pizza chains.

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