
The continued failure of the media to modify coverage of this presidency continued again at today's MAGA rally. Disinformation, conflicting messages & lies are killing people
Maybe what MAGA means needs updating...1/25
it seems Media Assists Gaslighting Americans is a better use of the acronym. These briefings have no business being aired unfiltered. The media needs to stop focusing on the circus, then having postgame fact checking with shock at how inept & feckless the POTUS is. Either...2/25
modify the way you cover him or admit #MAGAisMediaAssistsGaslightingAmericans is what the current coverage is. No one is focusing on the trend of resolved cases mortality rate skyrocketing to nearly 7× (20%) that of total confirmed cases mortality 3%. In the US right now....3/25
using that metric (knowing social distancing, treatment or a vaccine in the future for #COVID19 has no impact on the already confirmed cases) we can sadly assume 55,400 people's outcome will be death of known 277,000+ US cases. On April 3rd we are essentially already at..4/25
1/4 or 1/2 way to the best case scenario death toll of #COVID19Pandemic as presented by @realDonaldTrump this week. I have no voice & a miniscule following compared to others but I will shout as loud as I can for as long as I can hoping the right person might RT or share a...5/25
similar POV & be the real difference maker in shifting perception. The media's lack of accountability in modifying coverage is complicity not complacency. People & companies at the top of the media empire are getting rich off ratings while Americans are dying bc of lack of...6/25
urgency from a clear & concise national message. Still 25% of states as of this week had not issued stay at home orders. Trump's motive has not changed it's self interest same as ever. However since he mixed in a serious tone the media felt he earned lowered expectations...7/25
benefit of the doubt points. He's admitting a lot of deaths will occur but it is bc if he changes perception media will ignore his failings. He refuses to own anything but why should when he gets free pass after free pass from his moving of the bar to subterranean depths. ...8/25
He knows if he can make 50+ govenors or leaders own the decisions he can use partisan politics to mitigate the political implications of a single or series of failed decisions by himself. He's willing to mitigate damage to himself but unwilling to take any risk or position...9/25
that would force him to be accountable. If the idiotic @GOP Govenors & community leaders havent figured it out yet @realDonaldTrump has turned your decisions to put party over life into referendum votes in your next election bid. He has thrown you all under the bus as his...10/25
pathology dictates he would. It is ironic though he's prepared & planned for a political disaster but did nothing to prepare for a pandemic. The media continues broadcast unfiltered & deadly misinformation continually failing to find an innovative approach to fact check...11/25
in real time. I dont expect @FoxNews, @newscorp or Sinclair media to modify or improve their sycophantic coverage. However @ABC, @NBCNews, @CNN @MSNBC & @CBSNews could hold a "5 families" style conference call summit with their news directors to come up with a modified...12/25
strategy of coverage for the benefit of public health & saftey. On this weeks @TrumpReportABTV on @afterbuzztv they debated briefly the options & concerns of how the media should handle coverage. There are concerns not covering it will make people change the channel. If...13/25
they dont show why & uniformly explain the need for a modified approach they risk being accused of #TrumpDerangementSyndrome not responsible journalism. On @TrumpReportABTV @ChelseaGalicia suggested using something akin to what VH1 did with their show Pop-Up Video. It...14/25
would allow for the correct information to appear on screen as real time fact checking. It's actually the best suggestion I've heard it is a workable compromise. Each network can use their own style & approach but what should be uniform is set a tape delay amount of time...15/25
of 3-5 minutes. This would adequately provide time to preempt deadly & dangerous misinformation being presented or the danger of not covering POTUS as censorship. The pop-up of truthful information would be simultaneously shown. Now not just the facts being checked are...16/25
enough. The confusing all available scenarios @realDonaldTrump non committal CYA approach should have the best practice or CDC guidelines pop up. As an example a pop up policy may say use of approved PPE is the only approved way to minimize risk when 45 says you can use a...17/25
a scarf or makeshift mask. Stating he hears it might be better, or the same or maybe not who knows but material scarfs are made w are thicker some of the time or maybe not. Yesterday 4 people had 4 different answers to where the supply chain was sending PPE New York had...18/25
requested. That is harder to "fact" check but is very easy to highlight as inconsistent. At very least it shows the public the messaging is inconsistent & confusing. Or when Kushner says a national stockpile isnt for state use, a pop up appears explaining the meaning of..19/25
United in the name of the country. It is easy to see why & understand the media is reluctant to wade into political waters. However this isnt about politics, this is about public saftey & responsible clear communication with the public to minimize death. Criticism & fact...20/25
checking is not politicization but for the @GOP& @realDonaldTrump to say otherwise is. Calling for oversight in a tragedy that's best case may leave 100-240k Americans dead is absolutely essential any prohibition of that fact gathering effort is criminal & a cover up. Does..21/25
it mean that hearings or select committee briefings need to happen right now? No, however establishing or attempting bipartisan examination of the facts is needed & necessary to understand this ongoing tragedy. It can prevent similar mistakes related to this or future...22/25
pandemics or tragedies. Early understanding of decisions & timelines creates transparency that prevents impluses to proceed with deception compounding mistakes. The world & country more than ever must call on the media & journalists to uncover any #COVID19 actions that...23/25
may have caused more death or how certain decisions mitigated damage & saved life. Bad decisions took place & yes their should be accountability but knowing where & when bad decisions were made are critical to saving lives. This why the @nytimes, @washingtonpost's & other...24/25
outlets' investigations, reporting& coverage is critical to educating & keeping the public safe. Don't let MAGA be altered to mean #MAGAisMediaAssistsGaslightingAmericans. For the sake of thousands of lives, millions of Americans& democracy please adapt your Trump coverage. 25/25
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