I nak share dengan korang my favorite HOTEL. Sebab I ni jenis suka hotel-hopping πŸ˜„

Sejak I tak berapa sihat 2 years ago I jarang travel jauh2, I just staycation dekat hotel. And I will make sure hotel tu wajib ada pool!πŸ˜‚

Korang suka duk hotel tak?
πŸ“Verdant Hill Hotel

Dekat KL ada baaaanyak sangat hotel best2. Tapi I baru try 2 last year.

First dekat Bukit Bintang. Nama hotel Verdant Hill Hotel Bukit Bintang. Located betul2 dekat Jalan Changkat.
Went there with my besties.

Gambar ni dkt Changkat Rd time siangπŸ‘‡
Malam2 I tak recommend lah jalan2 Changkat ni sebab ramai org mabuk. Nanti I cite malam I jalan mana πŸ˜† My friends & I went there just to spend time with each other. Masing2 org KL so takdelah nak pergi sightseeing ke apa hehe.

If u wanna see the other side of KL, this is it.
Okay meh nak tunjuk hotel. Ktorang amek room for 4. Sorang around RM100 include breakfast.

The room is sooo HUGE. Boleh tambah 2 tilam lagiπŸ˜„And very clean. They are also very generous with pillow. Sorang dapat 2 pillows πŸ˜† Bathroom dia jgn ckp, besar gila. But no πŸ› huhu
Personally when it comes to hotel, I treasure the most their breakfast and swimming pool. So far Verdant Hill ni tick off both. Cuma pool dia agak kecil. Size dia narrow gitu. Since time tu tak ramai guest, we conquered the pool lah apa lagi! πŸ˜†

Breakfast : 4/5
Petang sampai malam we spend time dekat Berjaya Times Square,cari swimming suit sebab nak swim esoknya πŸ˜‚ then malam tu ktorang jalan2 around Lot 10, Shawarma Bukit Bintang. Happening sangat! I miss those moment πŸ₯Ίβ™₯️

(This is last year tauu) #beforeCovid
If korang nak staycation in KL in the future, almaklumla kita kena naikkan ekonomi negara lepas ni so you are encouraged to travel local gitu, boleh la check out this hotel. Location pun strategik, dekat dengan MRT Bukit Bintang and all those shawarma stalls!
Okay I nak sambung thread! πŸ˜† Next hotel is....

πŸ“Vistana Titiwangsa Kuala Lumpur

Vistana ni altho banyak bintang tapi for me dia overrated. But I had a good time here. Located at Titiwangsa. Dekat dengan shoplot, kedai makan semua. Convenient jugak la.

This is the lobby πŸ‘‡
As you can see, lobby dengan cafe dalam ruang yg sama. A bit crowded lah. Biasa lobi hotel lain floor dengan cafe. And view cafe pun tak cantik mana la sebab groundfloor.

Breakfast : 3/5 (got everything i need tapi takde yg wow la, beshe2 je semua)
Yang paling sis terkejut adalah pool dia 😭 pool sangatlah kecik. Dalam video nampak besar but nope. 3-5 adults masuk dah crowded mcm jacuzzi dah 😫 so if korang nak mandi pool, dont come to Vistana. #hotelreview
All in all Vistana ni okay kalau short vacay and memang aim nak spend time berjalan, sightseeing KL. Not much for staycation relax2 dalam hotel.

Btw, I booked these 2 hotels via http://Booking.com . Guna app Shopback jgn lupa! Banyak cashback dapat 😊
Okay I sambung hotel dekat Melaka pulak! 😁

Please note yg I chose this hotel mmg mainly sebab facilities hotel, bukan sebab nak sightseeing Melaka. Kalau korang prefer nak jalan2 banyak, macam rugi kalau spend dkt hotel. Maybe boleh duduk airbnb etc. Up to u β™₯️
πŸ“Hatten Hotel Melaka

I love this hotel sebab cantik gila 😭 Hatten Hotel ni bersambung dengan shopping mall tau. Lupa nama mall tu.

Interior dia lawa 😍 Lobi besar, jauh beza dgn Vistana hehe.
Pool dia besar! Macam biasa, swimming suit wajib, kalau tak kena halau dgn guard dia. Maintenance pool kurang sikit, dorang tak cuci betul2 lantai pool tu. Kalau tak I dah rate 5/5 dah.

(time dekat pool ni ada insiden)
Next, cafe! And breakfast buffet. Cafe dia cantik gila tak tipu πŸ˜‚ breakfast pun banyak choice and sedap. Croissant dia org berebut2 stress akuu πŸ˜‚ asal pergi je habisss.

Breakfast : 5/5
Next hotel...(last one!)

πŸ“Swiss Garden Hotel Melaka

I love love this hotel! Went there with my bestie last December. Ni bangunan dia. Hotel baru (i think) so masih cantik lagi interior semua πŸ˜„ Lobi dia kecik lagi dari Hatten. Agak crowded sikit. But cantik
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