It always amuses and pisses me off when someone who was like 3 when Iraq happened talks about "endless war" or any variation of it.

You were 3 years old at the time, bro. Shut the fuck up, for real.

All these rose twitter Zoomers talking like this, and it's just moronic.
"We're tired of the DNC establishment corporatist boomer Dems and their forever wars!" -Said the 19 year old who can't be bothered to vote
This is honestly stolen valor at this point. They were not alive for, or didn't pay attention when actual shit went down, and now they think they're the fucking experts because of some meme they got from Reddit or a TYT episode.
"Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates are evil!"

What the fuck did you create, you pizza-faced pig wearing people clothes living at home with mommy and daddy?
Might want to pull them shorts up kids, because your balls ain't dropped yet.

Stop acting like you know jack shit.
Yeah, Dems should really be listening to a bunch of Anime con otakus who fangirl over Steven Universe and post guillotine memes 12 hours a day, see THEY'RE the *real* base.
This is the kind of shit I'm talking about:
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