So on a recent post by @CircusConnie I got accused of being one of the "hidden" p*dos in the FNaF community. I feel like I should reply to that in a more formal way instead of acting offensive and making it seem like I was only trying to attack Connie instead of defending myself.
Her accusation against me was that I drew TG/AP (Transgender and age progression) of multiple FNaF child characters, as well as the characters from my own comic Children. This started back in 2016 when I was 15. I posted those comics on a private sub called ChildrenTGs.
Before I go into the meat of the thread though, I'd only like to point out that I never drew TG/AP featuring FNaF child characters. I've only ever used Children characters or OCs for it. I would never use a character without their creator's permission.
I must start this off by saying I am NOT attracted to children, minors or anyone underage. I never was and I never will be. I've actively fought against actual pedophiles on the Children community these past 4 years, and I find whoever jacks off to a child an inhuman bastard.
With that in mind, I should probably specify what my TG/AP content was all about.

It was mainly just a sequential comic showing a kid character from my comic turning into an aged up, mature, adult woman, going through physical and mental changes to reflect said transformation.
The changes were drawn in a way to look attractive as it was my kink after all. There were closeups on specific parts of the sequence, and other suggestive imagery throughout the comic meant to be "hot".

NONE of the suggestive imagery appeared when they were still a kid, though.
It's true most of the sequences ended with the characters becoming naked (clothes being ripped) but by that point they were already mature and of legal age, both physically and mentally, by all standards.

Early on in time they were "half-child, half-adult" minded. That changed.
As I got older I started slightly changing the way sequences went. They were slight changes, nothing that changed their core concept too much, but instead stuff that made them less questionable (like lightly changing dialogue, for example). But again, nothing too noteworthy.
It wasn't until recently, that I noticed how truly fucked up and questionable the content I was doing was.
Last year, @ShyNinja6 called me out on what I was doing and scolded me harshly for it. That led to an entire cancellation attempt against me by other people as well.
It was during that time that I was able to reflect upon what kind of shit I had been doing the past 3 years and I realized that it was actually pretty messed up all things considered. When I first started I saw it as a harmless kink that I could make content for however I wanted.
I had never actually stopped and thought about how fucked up of a concept it was as I was currently doing it. A "half-child" mind in an adult's body is still a child's mind in an adult body you absolute fucking buffoon. What the hell was I doing?
Needless to say, I felt really dumb at the time. And I deserved most of the hate I got. I guess it just hadn't clicked with me that what I was doing, when taken out of context (and arguably, even with context) could very well be considered borderline pedophilia.
It took some time to recover from my initial breakdown but I eventually apologized to Shy and everyone involved, and I thanked them for calling me out and opening my eyes for this shit. Sometimes you just don't see what's wrong with what you're doing unless someone points it out.
I promptly promised them I would change and stop doing the same kind of content I had been doing for the past years. I had seen the error of my ways and I was determined to make ammends and fix my mistakes, no matter what it took.

I started by changing the way I did TG/AP.
To kick things off I stopped with the whole "half-child half-adult" bs. It was either a completely mature, fully developed adult mind or bust.
I do know some people also consider TG/AP to just be an excuse to sexualize minors too so I've thought about changing that as well.
The problem with that, however, is how many different views people have on it. Some people will just see it as not sexualizing minors, as it literally ages them up to a mature and legal age before showcasing anything suggestive, while others will argue otherwise.
These contradicting views have made me consider not using my kid characters in these sequences at all, despite the fact they all become perfectly aged up and mature when it happens.
I started considering just doing TGs without the AP part.
That would mean the sequence would feature an already adult character simply just changing genders. That way, all questionable content some people might potentially point out about it is gone and it just becomes another weird fetish comic you'd see on deviantart or something.
I haven't done any actual TG or TG/AP content ever since my cancellation attempt last year because I had been figuring this stuff out (not all the time, I'm not as horny as I was 4 years ago lmao). Considering everything that's happened though I think I'll know my answer soon.
I'd like to once again reinforce that I'm NOT a pedophile. None of the content I did had the intention of ever being pedophillic in nature or otherwise. Any accusations against me, though somewhat understandable given the grey-area the comics I drew were in, are ultimately false.
That is one of the reasons why I'm making this thread in the first place. To clear up any misconceptions about the content I used to draw back in the day, and to make it clear that none of it was malicious in any shape or form. I regret my actions from before, all of them.
To finish things off, I'd like to apologize for any inconveniences me or my friends might have caused in the (now deleted) original thread. I had flashbacks to when I was first cancelled last year, and it did not bring good memories at all, so hopefully it's understandable!
And that's it. Hopefully this has cleared things up for any questionable shit that might have been going on around me. I'm just a graphic design student making a comic about dead kids who let his hormones get the best of him for a few years. It happens, I guess.
Thanks for reading all of this. Feel free to leave in any thoughts or takes. I'd love to hear them.
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