in cars (movie) there is a WWII Jeep that explains car versions of events that happened in world war II. this confirms the existence of cars version of hitler in the cars universe, and probably a car hiroshima and nagasaki.
this brings up the question of what other historical events occur in the cars universe. was there a murder of archduke ferdinand? was he named carchduke ferdinand?
was there a Car-l marx? what is car communism like? is there a car version of donald trump? did 9/11 happen in cars?
going further

cars have teeth and tongues. this means:
a) they have bones
b) they have a muscle structure
c) they most definitely have other human like body parts

imagine dissecting a car from the cars universe and finding out its actually fleshy and blood and stuff?
is there a car version of cancer? it has been confirmed that cars reproduce, so car genitalia is definitely a thing too. are there car STDs?
what do you think santa is like in the car universe? are car reindeer a thing?
mater confirms the existence of pistachio ice cream in cars, so there must be milk. where does the milk come from? from the cows that mater and mcqueen tipped in the first movie? would it petroleum based?
is the existence of a cars caste system put in place in cars? if one is born a tow truck, they are a tow truck for the rest of their life. same goes for firetrucks, forklifts, etc.

speaking of caste system, would hinduism be called "hondaism" instead? is there a car shiva
what happens if a car gets drunk? are they just not allowed to move? do they have to get towed?
are spare car parts stores just organ donation centers?
do cars go swimming??
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