I feel like u can trace a lot of dumb online (fandom) discourse back to people who constantly seek to validate every single personal discomfort they have with moral superiority, ignoring the fact that somethin makin u uncomfortable does not Always mean that thing is a problem. -
It’s a vendiagram, somethings r uncomfortable bc theyre bad, but other times its just due to different tastes/ways of going about stuff. Obviously, it’s impossible for anyone to be perfect abt making the distinction between the two [all the time], we all make bad calls, it’s part
of being human, but I Truly feel like so many people don’t even Try to make this distinction at All, because it’s very self validating to brand people as bad and a worse person than you. You end up basing ur idea of u being a good person off of judging and bashing down everyone
who does somethin different/Weird to u. In the context of fandom specifically i feel this kinda mindset gets a whole new level of opportunity to play out in the form of ppl having Different tastes in fiction, and a lot of ppl trying to link what someone does in fiction to their
morality irl. obviously thisss is a big grey area n I’m rlly not gonna get into the deep ends of fiction vs reality discourse here but I think We can all agree that there’s definitely Some disconnect between the two, and not /Every Single Thing/ someone enjoys in fiction = what
they condone irl, right? Which is why statements like “video games cause violence” or implying someone exploring the concept of a morally grey character means they excuse murder are rlly stupid. It’s fine to be uncomfortable n dislike stuff, but again, if ur very attached to
deeming ppl morally worse than u for doing things u dont like, ur gonna start reaching for ways to justify ur dislike as a moral issue/high ground. Which, I think, is why we get a bunch of (gestures) Really stupid discourse.
I think we’d all benefit from keeping in mind it’s ok to dislike/be uncomfortable with things, but practice giving people the benefit of the doubt, without immediately jumping to trying to deem them a bad person. No ones perfect n emotions r messy, but I think it helps to /try/
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