Something my dad said that stuck with me: “Do you realized how many in healthcare are going to leave when this is all over? Quit their jobs and get out of healthcare forever because of the stress?” (1/5)
Healthcare workers are going to stay right now because it is what we are passionate about. We are the ones who need to be present to try and get as many people through this outbreak alive. (2/5)
But we have to fight every day to make sure we have access to #PPE to keep ourselves safe. We are the ones sleeping in basements and guest rooms to protect our family. We are the ones working 16+ hours to save lives because people didn’t act soon enough. (3/5)
And one day, when this pandemic is over, there will be a number of doctors, nurses, PAs, EVS, RT, and other medical professionals who will turn in their badge and walk away from healthcare forever. Because when we needed it most, we were not taken care of. (4/5)
Healthcare is hard on a normal day, without the stress that this pandemic is putting on our system. I hope that this doesn’t result in people hating something that they were so passionate about that they dedicated their lives to helping heal others. (5/5)
We did not go into healthcare to become martyrs. We signed up to help heal people and it was expected that we would have the protection we need to keep doing our jobs. Physicians and nurses are DYING, we did not sign up to die. And many more are going to get sick because of this
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