literally nothing matters anymore so what do i care 🤪

one like = one buffyverse opinion
1. season six is objectively the best season (sans seeing red), even if it's not people's favorite. it's the most relatable and emotionally impactful and it's messiness makes the characters much more real. the trio are great villains and are purposely written +
to be hatable bc it matches the reality of the rest of the season. it's not about supernatural demons it's about life. everyone knows a man like that and the idea of them having real power is terrifying. that's what makes them good villains (remind me of dolores umbridge kind of)
2. i know she's very popular but it deeply irritates me how willow is given a pass on so many things the other characters are given shit for just because she's the designated sweet, shy friend
3. nothing new but it's so stupid how angel/angelus are seen as two completely different people and spike with and without his soul are the same just because spike is such a good person he's able to do good even without a soul. he should be compared to angelus, not angel.
4. cordelia was a good character even without ats. she always cared and always wanted to do good and ats just furthered that by giving her people who really cared about her and letting her grow up which let her ditch the mean girl shield she used to keep people at arms length
5. season 4 was a genuinely good season. even if the overall initiative arc was weak it had the best stand alone episodes of the show and was very funny and endearing
6. i like tillow but shipping tillow and not fuffy is hetero behavior
7. fuffy is not less abusive than spuffy. it's fine to like them and dislike spuffy but trying to make it a moral argument just comes off hypocritical. i love unhealthy ships but i own up to it. fuffy is not more healthy just because they're both girls.
8. fred & gunn and fred & wes are both mediocre ships and neither was worth messing up the group dynamic over. the wes/gunn/cordy dynamic was much stronger than either ship.
9. i know i've been saying this but something blue > tabula rasa. the spuffy scenes in tabula rasa are good and the randy giles bit is funny but otherwise it doesn't stand out to me as an episode.
10. this is not unpopular but connor is literally the direst rat bitch of all time and while i did like seeing angel as a father and it think it made him more endearing i wish they'd never brought him on. the rift it caused with wesley was so stupid and the show never recovered.
11. spike and angel are just annoying as a ship and maybe it's just because i'm homophobic but while they have tension it never sat right with me how angel uses spike as his personal punching bag and projects all his own mistakes onto him
12. i didn't watch most of s5 of ats so i can't rly speak to it but spike felt so weird to me. it wasn't anything specific but something about his writing and character interactions felt off and i couldn't enjoy him being there even though i know that's a big reason ppl like s5
13. even loving faith as much as i do i would not want a faith spinoff. i just don't see it working. the buffyverse was perfect ending where it did and we can see what happened in the comics, that didn't need to translate into a show.
14. buffy and angel never really loved each other. they were infatuated with each other, buffy because she was a teenage girl and was convinced she met her one great love and angel because he thought buffy would ease his guilt but when it didn't work he moved on +
they never understood each other and it only became more obvious the more time they spent apart. buffy never even got close to knowing who angel really was like cordelia did and vice versa, angel never knew who buffy was like spike did.
15. faith serves as an excellent foil to buffy and it's why she's integral to the show. while buffy showed strength in the face of all adversity, that it's okay to be weak but that you can always stand back up and fight, faith showed that even if you lose +
even if you do something unforgivable you still have the responsibility to try to be better and that while what you've done can't be undone, each day is a new day and you can always do your best to right your wrongs even if you're never fully redeemed
16. not to talk about faith more but imma talk about faith more. she perfectly shows the real importance buffy's friends and family made. faith is not an inherently evil person but without anyone to love her or show her what's right or give her something to fight for +
she went down the wrong path. it showed the difference between someone who isn't insanely privileged but has been shown love all her life and someone who hasn't. i loved that they made it even more clear in the wish by making buffy into more of a faith character.
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