Please give to our Vulnerable Women's Fund. COVID-19 underscores the already stark inequalities experienced by women in unemployment, housing, caregiving, domestic violence and more. Help AWARE continue (and expand) its services for women in this crisis.
At , we've put together a special report on how the coronavirus affects certain vulnerable groups of women in Singapore.

One alarming stat: This March our CARE services received 619 calls, the most ever in one month. See this graph for previous years.
Low-income single parents already grapple with precarious finances, with only one income to support the whole family. Mothers who reside at our S.H.E. Project shelter voiced concerns about employment, health risks and childcare. More: 
Foreign domestic workers may see their workloads increase during COVID-19. But their role as caregivers may also increase their risk of infection. With new restrictions, many have found their weekly respite and annual vacation time taken away.

Many foreign spouses already experience insecurity around their right to be in Singapore. Border closings may physically separate these families. Of those permitted to stay and work, many perform front-line jobs that may expose them to infection.

Crises have historically corresponded with a surge in domestic violence, as abusers lash out at those around them to gain a sense of control. Moreover, as women are forced to stay at home, they renounce access to their usual social support systems.

Thousands of Singaporeans are now discovering the pros and cons of working remotely. However, workers have been reporting a rise of new forms of technology-facilitated sexual violence and other cyber-harassment, such as "Zoom-bombing".

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