⚖Japanese Law Thread⚖

I’m studying for the administrative scrivener 行政書士 test: (It’s the least advanced of Japan’s 3 attorney-ish professions; next=judicial scrivener 司法書士, highest=attorney 弁護士).

I’ll share study notes w/ #行政書士eng ←PLEASE mute as needed🤗
🤔 Why Share?🤔

-Force myself to learn concepts enough to explain them
-Some ppl, like non-Japanese residents, might be interested in/benefit from learning Japanese law
-Japanese people and others might enjoy the English/Japanese study
-Study accountability

🚨 Disclaimers🚨

-I have no legal expertise
-I’ll use English terms from govt Japanese Law Translation database. It’s imperfect, but sufficient and will save lots of work.
-I’m a translator: I’ll translate as needed
-I might quit🤗
http://www.japaneselawtranslation.go.jp/?re=01 #行政書士eng

-If you’re sure (=have a source/expertise) I’m wrong, please correct me. I want to learn and pass.
-This is for studying the current laws/case law of Japan—no politics please🙅‍♂️
-Please share study sources
👇Again, please mute this hashtag if needed
📚Study Materials📚

-Test prep book: See photo. Not authoritative. Easy-to-read, efficient study book for regular people. Plan is to post few enough pics to avoid copyright trouble.
-The GoJ online Japanese Law Translation:
-Actual laws
📖Laws Covered in the Test 📖

-憲法=The Constitution of Japan
-民法=Civil Code
-行政法=Administrative Code
-商法=Commercial Code
...plus some general knowledge

I may not finish, or course, but let’s give it a try. I can always delete tweets.

OK, let’s go.

📜The Constitution of Japan📜

First: The Preamble is officially part.

The Constitution of Japan (CoJ) has 3 fundamental principles:

1 基本的人権の尊重
Respect for basic human rights

2 国民主権
Sovereignty resides with the people

3 平和主義

Term meanings w/in the CoJ:
-人権/human rights
Rights every human born possesses, which must not be infringed upon by the state.

-国民主義/popular sovereignty
The power to choose political system and power/authority to decide ultimately resides in the people.

Term meanings, cont’d:

The declaration of renunciation of war, based on the experience of and reflection regarding past wars.

3 concepts within 主権/sovereignty:

1 国家の統治権/national sovereignty
Power to rule the state; generally refers to authority to control the geographical territory/領土 of Japan. Ex: Potsdam Declaration includes high-level (vague) list of Japanese territory.

3 concepts w/in 主権/sovereignty:

2 国家権力の最高独立性/supreme independence of nat’l authority
Independence/独立国家; rejection of rule by other states.

Preamble 3rd paragraph sets the ideal to which the CoJ aspires for Japan’s interaction with the world.

3 concepts w/in 主権/sovereignty:

3 国政の最高決定権/supreme authority to determine govt system
Authority to decide the nat’l political system/政治の主役. CoJ declares this resides w/the people. Ex: Emperor is a symbolic position relying/based on popular will.

Constitutional Amendment Procedure
(Established in CoJ Article 96):

1 国会による発議/Diet initiation
At least 2/3 of the representatives of both Diet houses must vote in favor.

2 国民による承認/popular referendum
A majority of voters must vote in favor.

Constitutional Amendment Procedure

3 天皇による公布/promulgation by the Emperor
The Emperor, upon approval by the people in the popular referendum, promulgates the amendment in the name of the people as part of the constitution.

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