#NEISvoid so this is something I've had happen before, it's not a constant but it'll last for a certain length of time & then I don't experience it for awhile. (warning that it might be a little tmi)

In fall 2017, I was really sick and bedridden for most of 1/5
the semester which led to me failing all of my classes. During this time, I had a lot of instances in which I could not make it to the bathroom in time (for both pooping and peeing; I don't recall instances of vomiting from this time period so that's not applicable here). 2/5
I do have some digestive issues but none that really chronically lead to this kind of accident. (For reference I have migraines, insomnia, acid reflux, GAD, depression, and internal hemerrhoids, as well as some undiagnosed things*). 3/5
I'm just wondering if this is a broad thing that a lot of people deal with in lots of different medical conditions or if there's more specific ones that could be narrowed down that I could look into. 4/5
*to varying degrees I've looked into ADHD/ADD, CPTSD, and fibromyalgia but no diagnoses yet as far as these go.

@bennessb if you don't mind retweeting this thread (at least the first tweet) I'd appreciate it đź’•5/5
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