7. Your mask becomes contaminated when it is exposed to the virus. When you take it off, do it outside or in your garage, grasping it with one finger by the ear straps and put it in the trash. Immediately do thorough hand washing or sanitizing. Cloth masks should be washed.
We don’t know yet how long viral particles can live in the nooks and crannies of cloth masks.
8. Masks are *meant* to protect other people from you, not you from other people. Mask wearing works best if sick people have them on.
9. Consider the social consequences and harm to communities of color when they wear masks. Do not socially shame them if they make a different decision than you.
10. Lastly, and I cannot emphasize this enough: STAY HOME and don’t let mask wearing be an excuse for resuming activities that put you near other people.

Much love and stay safe, y’all.
You can follow @DrChristineMann.
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