1- The negativity, and shit attitudes from some of us needs to stop. Some of you are supposed to be leaders, and all you’re doing is whining or crying for one reason or another, or you just wanna attack anyone who challenges you. It is completely ridiculous.
2- We are all Twitter accounts. No more, no less. None of us are better than any other member of this movement. So stop fucking acting like it. Ive seen plenty of times Anons have challenged these various accounts with ideas or opinions, and just get flat out attacked for
3- it. Yet, these are the same accounts urging people to think outside the box and not believe the hype. Kind of ironic, no? And another thing; if you’re gonna steal an Anon’s research, or comment, or post, at least give them fucking credit. These accounts don’t even realize the
4- division they are causing. The outright shit talk about anyone believing JFK Jr is alive, or anyone believing kids are being rescued etc is absolutely absurd, and it is literally NO BETTER than the very thing the democrats do to us. I’m sorry, I don’t recall the Q post where
5- he said to trash your fellow Patriot if they think differently than you on some topics (JFK Jr, Kids being rescued, Pence maybe being a black hat etc etc). You wanna dismiss them, fine, but to constantly put opposing beliefs to yours on blast and then play victim is the kind
6- of shit I expect over on Reddit, or Facebook. Not here. Not amongst your fellow brothers and sisters. Im quite sure I will be attacked for his post. But fuck me, I am sick of seeing Patriots lay other Patriots out to pasture. If this were a literal battlefield, would you
7- do the same thing? Would you say “oh, that guy believes Pence may be shady, so fuck him, he can be on his own”. FFS, how can you not see that is the same exact fucking attitude/mindset we are all fighting against!! Some folks seriously need a lesson in patience, and
8- divine timing. Get pissy all you want. Whine and cry all you want. Not a fucking thing is gonna happen until the time is right. Not a second before, not a second after. If you can’t keep your cool, and act level headed and lead in a mature manner, then you have no business
9- being a part of such an important movement. 👏🏻Tighten👏🏻Your👏🏻Shit👏🏻Up👏🏻. This is a time for a united front, we can all fight and debate who was right or wrong on certain topics after the dust settles. Right now, there are far bigger priorities at hand.
10- Peace, love, and light to all of you in all ways. Namasté and God Bless. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
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