I do this weird thing where I'm very literal when explaining something to someone and also go into a lot of detail even though I don't believe the person is stupid or doesn't know what I'm saying, I just like to cover all the bases.
Like, for example, if someone tells me to translate something in Urdu for them I go very word to word and literal and then explain why this word is this word and what that means and then go on to explain how its used differently depending on context LIKE WHY AM I LIKE THIs
bc then I see other people translating said thing (in the example) and it's so general and idk if I'm going overboard in trying to get the point across, like do people really care for the details?

It's so strange bc I think I caught this habit from someone I've never even met
and they did it to me when explaining something I understood in their first sentence but they kept going. Not that I didn't appreciate it, it's just interesting that I caught it off
NOT TO BE GAY but it's like they left "A mark" (ew gayy) but yh (damn thas hella gay sorry)
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