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The three-part challenge, regarding masks and SARS-CoV-2.

Part 1: Mask advocates need to show that the virus is infectious in aerosols. Find a study where it can be cultured after being picked up out of the air in aerosol (not large drop) form.
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As for my part of that challenge, here's a study showing that it was detected, but did not produce results in culture. Could it with more testing? Maybe. Can you show it can? Not yet.

Link: https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.03.23.20039446v2.full.pdf
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Part 2: Mask advocates need to show that surgical style masks offer significant protection from aerosolized (not large drop) spread of respiratory viruses.
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Part 3: Mask advocates need to show that homemade masks offer significant (if any) protection from aerosolized (not large drop) spread of respiratory viruses.
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For my part, I offer this study. You may have seen a chart of the materials tested (including vacuum cleaner bags) tested. The study ends with the suggestion that homemade masks not be used.

Link: https://sci-hub.tw/10.1017/dmp.2013.43
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Your move, mask advocates. So far, the CDC seems to have served us up more specious suggestions to go along with the suicide pact of a lockdown plan we've been forced into. If you can provide evidence for those three things above, we can talk ubiquitous masks.
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