
The Self-talk of  @HSNQ_NISA in regard to the  @HarunMaruf ellegations 1/2
Decision-making blunders happen in every leadership circus around the world, but calling  @HarunMaruf  national security threat, is not only desservice to our National Security, but also deliberate endangerment of the harun´s wellbeing so  @HSNQ_NISA needs to reconsiser the move1/2
Let me self-talk without emotion. If the the reasoning behind our latest ellagation against Harun is based on solely to protect people and the national security, then the good news is we know  @Harunmaruf, the organization he works, and his whereabouts 1/3
Wouldn´t that makes our enemy very susceptible? Here is the result of our enemy´s reconnaissance.The weapons he uses; pen, keyboard, twitter or sometime mic/tellephone for interview.That doesn´t make sense, we have lost our enemy´s description so we need to re-evaluate notes1/4
Wait a minute, this isn´t the enemy we´ve been searching for the last two decades; the one that killed almost1000 people in 10/14, or the one that usually attack us with an explosive-laden trucks, and the one that made us use barricade barrier as defensive mechanisms 1/4
That´s absolutely right.This is not the way we supposed to define our National Security Threat. Well, how can we rectify the ellegations we have written in our twitter account  @HSNQ_NISA? 1/5
🤔Have an excuse!, its April fools´ day, or The National Fictional Security Threat Day. I made this thread for @HarunMaruf to at least support him with my tweet in the light of unjustified attack on his personal and professional career
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