I was taking my evening stroll today and came across NYPD officers stopping a couple and getting them out of their car. I walked over (while remaining 6 ft away) and asked the couple if they needed help or a lawyer.
The officer yelled at me “can you smell all that marijuana? B/c I can smell it from here.” Reader, I could not smell any marijuana. Also just smell of MJ does not give PC anymore, and is DEF not a reason to expose someone to 6 officers up in their space in COVID times (or ever).
Anyway, they let the couple go after searching their car. As the cops drove away, one yelled out to me from his car “I’d never hire you!” I yelled back, recklessly and with my whole chest, “I’m a PUBLIC DEFENDER, ASSHOLE!” Gonna ride this high tru the rest of quarantine.
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