soooooooo, let us speak about yesterday’s episode, cause there’s a lot to unpack.
first and foremost, the acting behind this episode was re 👏🏾 mark 👏🏾 able 👏🏾

the writing 🥇
the directing 🥇
the iconic lines 🥇

they outdid themselves with this one so kudos to @warrenleightTV he always brings it!
i was wondering when they were going to do a story based on garland and what an episode!

i loved how garland from the beginning kept his composure and didn’t go the typical route of over stepping and just derailing the investigation just because the rev and him were friends.
when he said that lamai grounded him, baby, we know a strong partnership when we see one, and him and his wife are #BlackExcellence to the core.

now, this is just the little big gay in me, but liv, lamai is married, stop it! 😂
i love to see olivia enjoying herself and being happy and smiley AND flirted with in a very, very beautiful way.

i approve and ship benson and goodwin. again with the lawyers, olivia. you *do* have a type! 👀
at first i thought garland was going to go behind their backs like hadid did cause she’s just a bitch 🙄 but no, he actually gave them an in and gave olivia full control of the investigation.

for once carisi didnt upset me during an investigation, at least since the change.
if garland was to buckle under any pressure it was to be when laura stampede through his office demanding that they called everything off, and for a second there, i thought he was, but i’m more than content that he didnt.

garland, EXCELLED! last night. just...
now down to the case, per se:

- it’s sad, beyond measure that things like these happen in a place where we’re supposed to find solace and come together in our time of need.

unfortunately, this isnt just for “entertainment purposes”, cases like these are seen too much...
... within the church and sadly, that’s exactly how the people involved sound.

they victim blame, find a way to point fingers in the other direction, and unfortunately prey uppon those whom they think they can hold leverage to.
girls (in this case) from broken homes, vulnerable, and without stable figures in their life were the ones that ended up being the ones involved.

and the most disgusting thing, the rev blamed their “promiscuity” and tried to make himself the victim.
in his eyes (and in the eyes of a caught predator) they were expendable. he was word-vomiting and projecting all through the episode. gas-lighting his victims, but not before grooming them and paying them off.
i know i say it every week, but here came svu showing you exactly what happens behind some close doors.

and then to use god as a cover, come on now, if that doesn’t make you sound guilty af...
laura’s change of mind didn’t happen over night or was solely olivia’s doing.

don’t you think that a wife knows her husband? 🙄 come on, y’all really played yourselves if you really thought she was convinced that wasn’t her husband.
ive seen my friends identify their man BY LOOKING OF PICTURES OF THEIR KNEES.

she knew as soon as garland showed her the stills of the video, but denial is a bitch and delusion is her sister.

once the rev started calling out people unnecessarily, she had her confirmation.
guilty people project and deflect. olivia said as much a couple of episodes back with the whole ceo of the wellness company.

she’s a woman of god and we all knew she’d been praying for discernment and she got it right and then and there...
not to mention the conversation with garland outside of the partition.
also loved how edgar reached out to olivia and apologized for his involvement in the case. 🥺 he’s such a good guy and if this is a segue into a possible maybe, then i’m here for it. olivia deserves a nice guy, and a guy AWAY FROM WORK!
this was really good!

i loved! i lived! yas yas yas yas!
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