Ok the 24 hour rule has been observed (mostly) and I have some thoughts concerning the info that @AP_Trevor and the @CollegeBoard released to us yesterday and this morning.

So if you want, here is a #thread.

#whapchat #apwh #apworld

The biggest concern I have is how @AP_Trevor and the @CollegeBoard are (not) dealing with issues of equity when it comes to accessing this test. We have been given no more information besides "students with extended time will have that automatically added to the test." 2/
Ok sure. What about students who need a scribe? What about students who need paper copies of the exam? What about students who need adaptive resources?

NO information has yet been made available on this, yet students have to wait and hope they will receive accommodations. 3/
Please also see @jennthetutor and all the work she has done in this! 4/
Staying with the issue of equity - what if you are one of the many international students taking the exam? Welp according to @AP_Trevor you better start adjusting your sleep schedule:

Wait are you joking? Last night you went on & on about how you were doing this noble work of giving up your nights and weekends to develop a test that honors the work ALL students have done this year.
Unless you live outside of the Americas, in which case enjoy your 3am exam. 6/
And what about the option of students chosing their testing date? Two weeks ago the @CollegeBoard showed compassion and said this:

Last night @AP_Trevor back tracked on that and said the exams have a "standard" testing date and that students would have to get their school to approve any reason for them to take a later test:

So now it is up to the school? What if a student doesn't feel ready? What if they are still feeling too stressed to test in May? And what if that student doesn't feel comfortable asking for a late test for those or any other valid reasons? Equity of access? I don't think so.

So yes the @CollegeBoard is in a tough spot - but do you know what? So is everyone else right now. The @CollegeBoard and @AP_Trevor had a chance to really walk the walk on all they talk about equity, but right now? Honestly I think they've dropped the ball.

Fortunately there is still time for this to all get sorted & I truly hope it does because the opportunities programs like #AP provide are amazing & students should take advantage of them.

But they deserve help and support from the adults in the room.

Thanks for reading.

You can follow @MatthewJBusch.
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