I just got off a briefing call w @CityofBerkeley's Senior Exec Team who shared w City Council all of the incredible work being done to keep our community safe during #COVID19.


From Health Officer Dr. Lisa Hernandez: cloth face coverings of your nose & mouth are now recommended when you're outside.

This guidance was changed out of concern abt asymptomatic #COVID19 carriers & ppl w #COVID19 who haven't developed symptoms yet.

Cloth face coverings help to reduce spread of #COVID19, but do NOT replace other precautions: hand-washing, not touching face, 6 ft of physical distance from others.

Also very exciting news from Health Officer: @UCBerkeley is developing testing capacity at @TangCenterCal

@CityofBerkeley will be able to refer vulnerable pops for #COVID19 testing @UCBerkeley w a 24 hr turnaround time on results (!)

@CityofBerkeley is also working to create a testing site for vulnerable, first responders @BerkeleyFD @berkeleypolice & public who meet criteria

Other big news from Health Officer: Shelter In Place is working.

Emergency transports down 30%. Volume at Alta Bates ER down 25-30%.

This buys us time to improve hospital workflows, expand capacity & plan for field hospitals.

Thx, Dr. Lisa Hernandez & Berkeley's Public Health Team for keeping us healthy & safe!

Next up: homelessness update from Deputy City Mgr Paul Buddenhagen

1,000s of hotel rooms are available for homeless testing positive for #COVID19 in Alameda Co - https://bayareane.ws/2wThbOq 

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