STAY THE FUCK AT HOME unless your job is considered "essential" in which case you must work, and you must expose yourself to the very threat that everyone who is "non-essential" has been given the privilege to avoid.
Be sure to say "Thank You" to healthcare and grocery store workers.
Because we're all in this together and those are the magic words that will keep minimum wage employees from dying.
"Essential workers" don't have the luxury to stay at home when quitting their jobs out of fear negates unemployment benefits. Get sick or go broke? These are the people that are keeping your society afloat. Underpaid. Undervalued.
Without them this whole thing goes Underwater.
If you're so fortunate that none of this matters to you now, just wait until "the essentials" are no longer there for you.
No one to bring you food. No one to keep you protected.

We're as close to the edge as we've ever been.
Can you see it? All it would take is one push.
Please tell others about this.
Imagine reading this thread but skipping the video smdh
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