This weekend is one of two general conferences put on by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

And I’ll be tweeting heavily about it while it’s happening.

We’ll hear from our prophet and other leaders of the restored church.
I love tweeting about this each conference but this time will be special - with the world in turmoil because of the Coronavirus, the peace that comes with these conferences is a literal godsend.
I know most of you who follow me don’t share my religious beliefs and many of you will be annoyed by or scoff at what I’m talking about.

That’s fine. If you can’t handle that part of me, go ahead and unfollow me now.
First takeaway as I'm listening to @TheTabChoir is that I used to resent and even hate listening to them on the mission.

As I've built my own testimony, I now love it. It's such a great way to lead into this weekend.
Takeaways from @NelsonRussellM
- Don't take your eye off the ball. The trial of the Coronavirus is not the only thing we'll face and doesn't exempt us from other difficulties
- The only way to get through these trials is by filling our "spiritual storehouses"

- Repentance leads to the ability to feel peace and joy - even in turbulent times. Our happiness is not dependent on our conditions, but how loyal we are to God and how much we trust Him.
- If we take the time to #hearhim this conference will facilitate our ability to receive personal revelation on how to navigate our own trials and tribulations.
- "This year will be extraordinary as we focus on the Savior and His gospel"
Takeaways from @BallardMRussell #GeneralConference #HearHim #DezNat
- Because Joseph Smith's family was united, they were able to face their challenges and make the changes they needed to. Showing, once again, that family unity is crucial for temporal and spiritual success.
- I appreciate the acknowledgement of all four accounts of the First Vision. Grateful my kids will grow up knowing this and not having it be obscure to them.
- The Bible doesn't give us all the answers. It does teach us how to find them - by directly communicating with God.
- Imagine what it would be like to hear God the Father call you by name!
- The more I learn about Joseph Smith, the more impressed I am by what he did. He had a fun-loving personality and I imagine all the responsibility he had laid on him was so much more than he wanted.
- What he and Hyrum went through (along with so many other prophets) throws out any notion of an easy God who "just wants us to be happy" and doesn't have real expectations of us.
- Hyrum had a choice, and he had a family. Now when I fear death it's for the sake of my wife and children, not my own life. His loyalty to his brother and desire to glorify God had to have been so powerful.
"Brotherhood is supposed to be a powerful force"
- We think God will shield us from heartache? How arrogant are we? How naive are we? It wasn't just Joseph and Hyrum who overcame the world, their families did too.
- Our heartache won't be permanent. If we prove our loyalty, "God shall wipe away all tears from (our) eyes."
- "It may be that they came to know God through their suffering, in ways that could not have happened without it"
- How many of us waste our suffering and use it as an excuse to turn away from, rather than toward God?
- What offering will I present to the Lord in righteousness?
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