At @CTECMIIS we've been looking into the dangerous trend of coronavirus disinformation. Inspired by @AlKapDC's latest piece in @mmfa, we looked into the latest right-wing coronavirus disinformation hashtag going around. Nodes sized/colored by number of retweets.
The Twitter user with the most engagement by far is... a GOP Congressional candidate running for @SpeakerPelosi's seat, who fanned the flames early on in this trend. Other oft-retweeted people were responding to her in kind. Her ego-network shows an array of totally-not-robots.
Most top Tweets were in this vein. However, one anti-Trump user was also attempting to call attention to the situation. Even though he does *not* tweet at the Congressional candidate, he nevertheless appears in the full network (colored red).
As @oneunderscore__ always says, *do not use a disinformation hashtag when talking about it*! You simply end up playing into its spread and integrated into its network. There is no use of a hashtag that won't contribute to its dissemination.
Keep an eye on my feed, @Jason_Blazakis, @KrisMcguffie, and @CTECMIIS for more on this topic soon.
You can follow @AlexBNewhouse.
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