Oh hey, I totally forgot that this was from almost exactly a year ago.

Honestly the longest year of my life. https://twitter.com/pinkrocktopus/status/1111847344415363073
Interesting outcome about that thread:
I learned that, without prosody— that is, the sound of my accent when I’m mad and not talking in my college radio voice— my informal written Southern Am Vernacular looks a lot like appropriation of AAVE.

I’ve become aware of that since.
*I* read my tweets in the voice that I used when I talked to my granddad in Dothan. But I’m the only one who knows how that sounds.

I’ve learned to be more mindful of how my language reads. So at least there was some growth in a dismal year.
Also, I did a @storycollider piece on this thread back in January. I have awesome video of it. Just waiting to see if it’s going on the podcast (which I doubt because it’s super cussy).
You can follow @pinkrocktopus.
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