My high school Video Production teacher has been posting old clips and when I tell you I am in tears???!!!!

My bad acting aside, this was improvised. 16 year old me was not with the bullshit lmao
And the background music 😂😂😂
Mannnn s/o to Mr.Kyle and all my classmates seriously 😩
Lance was actually a good actor.
I would break character every time we had a scene together and laugh, which it’s why it’s behind the camera forever for me lol
Now I’ve gone down a rabbit hole and can’t stop watching 😂😂😂
Few things:
1) This clip has 19k views on YouTube & I am shook lmao
2) We are country af
3) This is my best friend @Melanized and we never fight
I’m done 😂😂😂
I feel like it’s worth mentioning that we had a whole premiere at the local AMC. This was a thing!
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