if you believe that niall cancelled because he didn’t sell enough block me! it absolutely sucks that he cancelled but cancelling means refunds, refunds mean money back and with people losing jobs left and right even $100 can help a little right now.....
...niall isn’t dropping the new dates because he didn’t feel like it was right to ask for money in the economic climate we’re in right now. Also: any type of show whether it be plays, musicals, concerts even any large social gathering isn’t a necessity right now...
...a necessity is people staying home the most they can. flatten the curve and STAY HOME! the CDC has estimated this will go on for two more years but staying home, listening to government officials, only leaving home for the ABSOLUTE necessary it’s what someone....
..who isn’t on the front lines helping the Covid-19 patients to do their part. stay at home unless absolutely necessary. i know it sucks being confined i know but we can cut down the time of being confined by STAYING HOME.
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