“Even as they repeated the bullshit party line on TV, some Republicans dumped stocks in advance of a market collapse they knew was coming...

Even now, in April, Trump has done as little as possible to help.”
Trump brings one message on Monday and a completely different one on Tuesday.

He refuses to make companies take action to produce the PPE and other materials we need.

He denies aid to blue states.

He pits governors against each other.
Trump attacks journalists and Senators.

And he brags about his ratings,
his supposed Facebook popularity, and the “tremendous job” he’s doing.

He continues to golf.
Trumpist/Putinist/GOP propaganda networks are trying their damnedest to hold someone else, anyone else, accountable.

Democrats...by distracting him with impeachment.

Obama, by not being tougher on China.

the Chinese, by not being straight with us.

Donald Trump is to blame.

This is his fault.

And anyone who says otherwise—whether it’s Mitch McConnell, Tom Cotton, Lindsey Graham, Rand Paul, Rush Limbaugh, or one of these mega-church grifters—is a traitor...
In South Korea, which had its first reported case of covid the same day we did in the US, the schools have reopened.

When your children are kept out of school until the fall,

Trump made that happen.
When your 401k turns into a pumpkin, Trump waved the cursed wand.
When your cousin, your sister, your father, your wife is hooked up to a ventilator for two weeks,
Trump is to blame.

When these loved ones don’t make it, Trump is the blame.

When the hospital bills come and you can’t pay them, that’s on Trump, too.
No prom, no graduation, no Easter egg hunt, no brunch with Mom on Mother’s Day, no sleepaway camp, no fireworks on the Fourth of July, no backyard bbq, no day trip to the city, no beach house rental, no dating, no reunions, no weddings, no funerals. Thanks, Trump!
Channeling his inner anti-FDR, the current president uttered the six words that define who he is, who he has been his entire noxious life—six words that should be in the first paragraph of his obituary:

“I don’t take responsibility at all.”
Ah, but ultimately, the choice of who takes responsibility is not his to make.

We are going to lose a quarter of a million Americans—and that’s a conservative estimate.

Whether he accepts the truth or not, it’s all Trump’s fault.
All. Trump’s. Fault.
I just highlighted a few things that @gregolear wrote but you should read the whole piece.
You can follow @LuluLemew.
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