Please stay home unless you REALLY NEED to leave your house. Take this serious please. Keep washing your hands.
I have first hand experience of people completely disregarding social distancing and staying home.
I have one prime example: there is a girl I know that used to go to my high school. I only work a few days a week but everyday I’ve worked, she’s been there ordering her Starbucks drink. I’ve been trying to give her the benefit of the doubt
I really don’t believe she needs to be in so frequently getting Starbucks. Also only one person per family needs to enter a store. Please. We can do better. If you want this to end just comply and STAY HOME
Hi, to continue this. She came in ONCE AGAIN. And she doesn’t need to be here...
I blocked out names for privacy reasons, but the girl I mentioned from the above tweets has added this to her Facebook page. Ironic...
I’m sick of adding to this thread as much as you’re sick of reading it but I just wanted to say: She was in once again today... even after saying all that in her Facebook post... yikes
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