There’s someone here in the past who you felt like you had to prove your worth to..someone that potentially caused a LOT of heartbreak because of the expectations they had of you which consequently made you question who you are..well they’re-
Reaching out very soon..and with the 3 of swords rx I do see you forgiving them for what they have done in the past..now this is a reading that specifically focuses on this issue so if it doesn’t resonate sorry🥺this person is 10000% going to be sending you a message trying to-
Get back into your good books..they miss you like..A LOT..and quite honestly they have been manifesting you SO SO much..it’s all over the spread..especially in the bedroom👀 now for some of you it MAY be a twin flame connection but this is for 1-2 people..the judgment card and-
The 4 of wands really signifies a connection that is divinely guided..so much so that I feel like you never actually felt this persons presence leave..even when you weren’t in contact? You always thought about them and vice versa..the 3 of cups and page of wands here really-
Signifies that they’re making their way back into your life..with the ‘very soon’ and ‘wedding’ card here though woooow..I really feel like this connection has been around for a while..and some of you may even end up being with this person for a lifetime Sagittarius..
One thing I do want to note is that you do have the card ‘all that glitters’ here..this strong amplifies the fact that sometimes people can seem like the ideal version of who we’d like to be with..but underneath the exterior lies other problems..some of which you may not find-
Attractive in a life long partner..so when I say CHOOSE WISELY..I really mean that..this is someone who could’ve loved the opposite sex in the past & im getting strong sexual vibes..they could be someone who loves allllll the cake? If you consider letting them back in you really-
Need to ensure that you set such HIGH boundaries when it comes to this person otherwise they’ll treat you the same way as they did in the past..I get the feeling that you recently decided to detach from this person fully..after manifesting them for a while? Well that period of-
Detachment is going to bring them in SO FAST SAG..that’s the power of manifestation..as soon as you throw the towel in the universe is like ‘okkkk have it’..it’s your choice what you do..make sure you end up making the right one for you in the long run!💜
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