plant tour. my firstborn: pothos. has been thru a lot, physically and emotionally, hence the yellowing on the leaves where i gave it too much sun once. still going strong tho.
my secondborn... rubber plant... i.. indont know why i got this one i dont like it that much but it survived me underwaterimg it for months so. good job
peace lily. it doesnt even have any lilies rigt now smh
my other pothos.. neon something... it kind of took a beating too in the sun bc im a dumdum idiot but its starting to have growth now
my new elephant ear plant... one leaf in the back is dying and idk why and im stressed about it
my prayer planttttt shes sleeping. luv her i have fussed over this one the most out of all of my plants. kinda high maintenance but beautiful
my monstera that i got off fb markwtplace. also love her i mist her leaves eveey day
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