Yeah that transition is crazy. I went from knowing myself from a young age and moving with purpose to losing myself and not knowing when or how it happened to floating around trying to swim back to the old me. It was a scary & lonely time because I didn’t know what was happening.
This went on for years. One thing I realised when I looked back was that I turned to alcohol, sex, smoking & dabbled in some drugs becoz I was scared to face myself. I was out on the streets any chance I could get. The noise made it easier to block out the convo in my head.
The more I fought the worse things got, the universe would keep throwing fresh shit my way. I was in no man’s land, I was just existing. I remember losing my voice & started living in my head. I couldn’t sit by myself I always needed people around me,the streets felt like home.
There comes a point where you can’t run from yourself any longer. Where you are emotionally, spiritually and even physically tired from the life beatings, the confusion, low self esteem etc That’s when I began hearing myself and God in putting the puzzle back together
That was only the beginning, it didn’t happen over night but I was slowly fixing my navigation. There are so many stages I went through but this thread would never end lol What I can say is that the moment I stopped looking back & faced bravely into the future my luck changed.
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