Oh fuck no. All comrades need to be speaking on this, period.

Congo accounts for 0.01% of global COVID-19 cases.
In contrast the US. alone accounts for a fucking QUARTER (25%) & the top 5 in Europe, OVER A THIRD (39%).

WHY THE FUCK ARE VACCINES BEING SENT TO CONGO FOR TESTING https://twitter.com/ChroniclesRW/status/1246157318569558016
The top 5 most affected African countries combined only account 0.4% of global covid cases..
& I didn't do the math but if I were to count ALLLLL European countries' cases, they'd probably account for HALF (if not more) of global covid cases.

Bruh the Rona is a European ass virus.
It's fucked up that the West gets to enjoy the technology & agency necessary to divert ressources into the emergency development of a vaccine but somehow it's people in the global south that have to be the guinea pigs for it
Yep. Totally normal, nothing to see here 🙃
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