In first few days of Covid, we had few numbers but a rapid rise in cases. Social distancing, he says, has slowed it. We continue to have cases but at a slower rate.
Impact of pandemic, he says, in Santa Clara County as an example, is a rapid rise in cases. What he's learned from cohorts in public health is even with social distancing and shelter in place orders, is predictions is that hospital demands will exceed capacity in SCC and area.
To reduce the amount of hospital demand at peak of surge and to shorten demand, those counties analyzed and determined further stay at home orders and restrictions could minimize impact.
When Monterey County reaches peak, we also could exceed hospital capacity. To that end, Monterey County will implement more restrictive measures to enhance social distancing.
Order goes into effect tonight at midnight and runs through May 3--general date chosen by most health officers in state, gives time to change if needed.
The order's newer provisions: greater emphasis on employers to direct employees to work from home. Requires essential services to develop and implement social distancing protocols at their facilities and outdoor work areas.
Some have already done this, Moreno says. New protocol goes further and will be attached to his order. All businesses allowed to stay open need to do this to protect employees and patrons.
More restrictions on social distancing as well, Moreno says. There are asymptomatic people among us and are transmitting it to others. They are infectious. Increasing social distancing will reduce encounters.
Moreno: Further providing social distancing means vulnerable people will be more protected. Over 65, anyone with lung disease, asthma, kidney, liver disease or diabetes or otherwise immune-compromised need to be protected.
Travel restrictions: As a reminder, Moreno says, those have been added to new order. Also new restrictions on outdoor activities, he says. Many phone calls from people trying to do right thing. No more crowding at parks, not allowing use of high-touch areas like playgrounds...
Also prohibits shared facilities, like golf, tennis courts and team sports, Open space use still allowed for walking, hiking and jogging.
More clarification on funerals: Hundreds of people gathering can lead to more infection and outbreaks. So those are restricted. Limited to 10 individuals, or delay of services until later so celebrations of life can happen, just not now.
Residential moves are more restricted, and there are new limitations on construction, to essential infrastructure, to maintain hc facilities, public works, shelters for vulnerable populations and projects like elder facilities or that support essential businesses.
Online car sales are allowed. It also addresses concerns of sales and rentals of residences: residential transactions should occur virtually and if not, by appointment only and only two people from a single household allowed in a meeting.
Landscapers and gardeners are still allowed to maintain safety and sanitation. Tree trimming for safety reasons allowed, cosmetic reasons not allowed. All essential businesses need to post social distancing protocols, Moreno says.
Number of people allowed in a facility to be limited, and they must remain 6 feet apart. Contactless payments should be the rule, if not, payment equipment must be cleaned at regular intervals.
Maia Carroll speaks about enforcement with Undersheriff John Mineau. Mineau: We're going through order, we're going to take a similar approach to what we're doing now--communication and education. If we see people grouped, its been get with those folks and get them to disperse
People have been compliant. If they are blatantly defiant we will take enforcement action. Now Berk Brannon from DA's Office... Unmute, Berk! Unmute!
Brannon: What we're focused on is businesses not complying with the order. If you're not essential but still doing business, it's going to be a problem.
Brannon: If businesses are in violation of order, it's an unfair business practice that puts other businesses at a competitive disadvantage. He asks for people to report unfair openings on the DA's website, look for consumer complaints section.
The civil penalty is 2500k per violation. It can include using your profit in restitution, Brannon says. We want people to comply.
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