I'm unblocking Walmart on here so I can drag them for their delivery person who refused to abide by "no contact" delivery and could be putting people in danger of COVID-19.
@WalmartInc Today we had a home delivery from our local store and the delivery girl 1) did not put the bags where we instructed and 2) did not abide with "no contact" while we're in a fucking pandemic.
@WalmartInc we requested that the bags be placed at our garage door and she left them at our front door and every time she sat a bag down she banged on our door for us to open up.
@WalmartInc When she was done sitting bags at the wrong place she banged on our door again. My momma got on our camera's speaker and told her that it's "no contact" that she should sign for us.
@WalmartInc After that interaction she would not leave. She stood there so long the camera stopped recording. My momma thought she was gone and opened the door. The girl TRIED TO STEP INTO OUR HOME! She claimed she "just wanted you to see me sign" yet this was NOT COOL.
@WalmartInc We're in a goddamn pandemic and you have delivery people not abiding by "no contact" rules. What if my momma was sick? What if we were both sick? Your employee, a complete stranger, tried to get within half a foot of my family member. That's detrimental to everyone.
@WalmartInc We will definitely not be using your delivery service again regardless of being in a pandemic or not. There's no need for that type of delivery person to step into a person's home or even try to.
@WalmartInc You need to do better with your delivery service regardless of the service being supplied by a third party.
@walmart @walmarthelp Hope you see this thread. We're canceling our term. Be better.
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