Besides tips in thread below, other helpful info: DON’T use ibuprofen or other anti inflammatory meds, it makes the condition worse (Google this time see medical confirmation). This includes CBD (which is anti inflammatory) so medical marijuana users need to be very careful.(1/?)
Also, Vicks VapoRub is very helpful for breathing — either rub on chest, or smear modest amount in bottom of a bowl & put boiled water in bowl, hold head over bowl & breath fumes (maybe put towel over head to better contain fumes too). (2/?)
If you use iron supplements &/or increase meat consumption to counteract the virus possibly leeching iron from your blood cells, be careful not to overdo it & do NOT do this as “preventative” thing if you’re not sick, as too much iron can be dangerous (men tend to have too much).
Sorry forgot # in last tweet, it was (3/?).

Acetaminophen is the safe pain med to use instead of anti-inflammatory meds, but be careful not to take too much! Especially if you also take NyQuil, which includes acetaminophen. (4/?)
I ate lots of chicken soup. I know there’s not much medical evidence of it being specifically helpful w/illnesses, but the heat + calories in general (since soup is easier to eat even when you’ve got low appetite) & possible helpful elements in chicken is always good for me.(5/?)
I can’t stress this enough, DRINK LOTS OF WATER! It not only helps thin out mucus, it also keeps you hydrated — one symptom of coronavirus for a lot of folks is gastrointestinal problems, & diarrhea dehydrated you. So DRINK LOTS OF WATER! (6/?)
Get lots of rest AND do get some walking exercise. Walking is important to prevent pneumonia, especially in older patients, & while too much will use up calories your body needs for fighting the virus, you DO need some exercise. Try to get 3K steps/day. (7/?)
WASH YOUR HANDS CONSTANTLY, even if you are already infected. In early stages, viral load (amount of virus in body) can determine how sick you get, + you could get other infections that make your condition worse. Hygiene matters when sick, so WASH! (8/?)
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